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The city of Sainte Grace and its perfumes

This is a small city of a few thousands inhabitants 2 hours north of Paix.
It is famous for it's flowers and perfumes. Indeed the peasants there do not grow crops or raise cattle, instead they take care of huge flower fields.
From spring to fall the fields are full of beautiful colors and the air smells like a giant bouquet.

In order to make the famous perfumes, the "guilde des parfumeurs" imports many marvels from all over Theah : spices from the Crescent empire, amber from Vendel, wonderful glassware from Vodacce craftsmen, musk from Usurra, rare flowers from Cathay, etc.
Those caravans are protected by a some soldiers that the Empereur himself has given to the guild.
They do not only protect the caravans but also the whole city.

The guild is controled by 11 families of "Parfumeurs". Each family has it's own secret perfumes and make sure that no one discovers them. The perfumes are made in big houses with tinted glass to make sure that no one can see what is going one inside. Each of those houses has tall chimneys and the wind mixes the odors of each of them, so that people know that they are getting close to Sainte Grace tens of miles away.

The most famous of the shops is called "Fragances Imperiales", their perfumes are used by the imperial family. They charge fortunes for their most famous products but they are nearly a requirement to have the honor of meeting the emperor.

The city of Sainte Grace also has its own secrets. Many of the women making perfumes also know how to make poisons and potions. Many Sophia's daughters live in this city and use the caravans to get the ingredients they need and communicate with the other members of their society.

The famous Glassware of Vodacce

Glassware is made all over Theah except maybe some Islands of Vendel or some cities of Ussura. However, quality glassware is hard to find and the most beautiful one comes only from Vodacce.

Montaigne and Castille are famous for their tinted glass. In Castille it is used only in Churches but the Emperor of Montaigne has made sure that it would be used for his palace.

Eisen was famous before the War of the Cross for the huge candelabra with countless gem like pieces of crystal.

Amazingly, Vodacce craftmen have never tried to learn those techniques, they prefer to master their own. They do not only make the most beautiful bottles and dishes but also the complicated glassware required for chemistry and the lens for spyglasses and astronomy.
These last items are usually not available and need to be special ordered. The prince needs also to give his approval before those special items are manufactured.

The Inquisition considers the tools used by alchemist and the people studying astronomy legion related. Fortunately, their influence in Vodacce is not strong enough to get them forbidden and the craftmen killed.
Many times people have tried to infiltrate the factory but the prince's guards caught them and it is said that they were thrown in the liquid glass as a warning.